Full Yield Spread

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The Full Yield project productivity spread

8-card tarot spread, laid out in 4 quadrants. In the upper left quadrant card 1 'Brambes' is placed towards the center of the spread, and card 2 'Fire' is placed to the upper left.  Card 3 'Boulder' is placed below card 1, card 4 'Air' is placed to the lower left of card 3. Card 5 'Seeds' is placed to the right of card 1. Card 6 'Water' is placed to the upper right of card 5. Card 7 'Harvest' is placed below card 5. Card 8 'Earth' is placed to the lower right of card 7.
  1. Brambles. How might others put this project in jeopardy? How may you sabotage the project? What dangers should you compensate for?
  2. Fire. Competition. Time to market; infrastructure/tech/manufacture/energy concerns; decisions to be made. Collaboration. Timing.
  3. Boulders. What blind spots do you have? How are you holding back? How can you overcome things that block the way?
  4. Air. Originality. Legal concerns; laws; military; marketshare; intelligence; secrecy; information.
  5. Seeds. What possibilities can you take advantage of? What hidden potentials should you nurture? What opportunities can you create?
  6. Water. Branding. Social factors; impression on customers and employees; emotional quotient; the long game; longevity; reviews and reception.
  7. Harvest. What resources should you draw on to succeed? What will others take away from this project? What will work out well?
  8. Earth. Profits. Financial success/failure, economic and financial factors; pricing; environmental impact; stability and growth; labor concerns.

Mid-Yield 3-Card Spread

3-card tarot spread, laid out in 1 row left-to-right. Card 1 'challenges'. Card 2 'opportunities'. Card 3 'Keys'.
  1. Challenges - brambles and boulders. What challenges do I need to overcome?
  2. Opportunities - seeds. What opportunities lay before me?
  3. Keys to unlock the best outcome. Harvest. How may I adapt to get the greatest yield?

Spreads created by The Crisses © 2021-2022. All rights reserved. Based on SWOT analysis and other business analysis principles. Meant to analyze business projects & business ventures.

© Criss Ittermann. All Rights Reserved. Website by Eclectic Tech, LLC."